Came across this interesting article about why everyone should have a blog. We often have existing and potential clients who either been told they should have a blog or who are wondering if they should have a blog. Of course the biggest reason we give them for “blogging” is so they have a higher chance of ranking better with the search engines. This is because in addition to valuable content, every blog post gives them the chance to use keywords and keyword phrases to help people find their website. Of course that requires knowing what their keywords and keyword phrases are or should be, but that is another conversation.
A second reason we give is a blog gives you the opportunity to be an expert in your field, a source for information, resources and opinion. That was number three on Jeff Goins list. In his words, “Blogging gives you a voice.” Imagine it, your site, your blog, is the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise. Your current and future customers could come to rely on “your voice” as they make decision and seek understanding.
And don’t let the term “blog” turn you away. We have many clients who use their blog not as a two-way conversation, but as a one-way “news feed” if you will. They give information away but for a number of reasons do not allow comments on their blog.