Imagine Design Studio

Whatcom Young Writers

Whatcom Young Writers needed a website for their new 501(c)(3). They wanted it to tell people about their creative writing workshops and one-on-one tutoring. The studio also wanted an easy way for their young writers to publish their writings and a way of connecting community volunteers with students ages 8-18 to support students’ ability to communicate through writing.

First, we built their website around WordPress, a web framework that enables easy blogging, which meets the needs of their young writers and also provides an easy way for the community to participate in the conversation. Stephanie, the director of the Studio, was already familiar with WordPress so it was a natural fit, making it easy for her to update the web site.

We also updated the design of their logo, designed the studio’s business cards, designed an informational brochure, and designed the cover for their most recent book of student work.